It isn't anyone's right to tell other people what to do or think. You really need to do a self-examination my friend.
And visy versy my fellow poster
with all this talk about ai taking over jobs and finding cures by feeding it proper input data and a whole host of other tasks why not have scientist put up a site run by artificial intelligence to deprogram people from cults and offer them counseling as what to do after leaving the mind control cult.. i know this might be a very touchy place to put ai i think it would offer scientist working with ai to test its capabilities and do a public service at the same time.. perhaps offer it honestly to the public who are having doubts about a specific organization that is unduly controlling their lives.. and great if that would pass a turing test:.
It isn't anyone's right to tell other people what to do or think. You really need to do a self-examination my friend.
And visy versy my fellow poster
this article won’t change your mind - the facts on why facts alone can’t fight false beliefs.
brilliant article in the atlantic by julie beck discussing the phenomena of cognitive dissonance and how it affects religious and political beliefs.
it includes some interesting thoughts on how social media has magnified the problem.. spoiler - she is not optimistic about the possibility of successfully reasoning with members of religious cults.. the article also has a link to the 45 minute audio version.. link....
I would like to see Artificial Intelligence solve this deprogramming problem in trying to reach our loved ones.
I wonder what a purely unemotional intelligence would come up with in getting people to bypass ingrained cult indoctrination and think in a different more healthy way?
i'm a current bible student of jw's looking to chat with someone about biblical doctrine.
i'm not interested in talking with an apostate or a fader, i'm just a person looking for answers and wondered if there are any neutral voices in this forum who have good insights into the bible.
i currently talk with a couple of jw's on a personal level from my congregation and they are knowledgeable to a certain extent, but i dare not ask them certain questions because, as you know, the congregation has a culture of fear that impacts trust and openness, especially concerning biblical doctrine or the societies teachings.
I think it is good for XJWs to also try not to be so bias when examining peoples concerns and try to see things from their perspective. Not so ready to jump on them when they write something that we disagree with and try to present our understanding it in a way that stimulates thinking in the one that disagrees with our ideas. It is a real challenge I know o so well.
with all this talk about ai taking over jobs and finding cures by feeding it proper input data and a whole host of other tasks why not have scientist put up a site run by artificial intelligence to deprogram people from cults and offer them counseling as what to do after leaving the mind control cult.. i know this might be a very touchy place to put ai i think it would offer scientist working with ai to test its capabilities and do a public service at the same time.. perhaps offer it honestly to the public who are having doubts about a specific organization that is unduly controlling their lives.. and great if that would pass a turing test:.
AI has already be able to win human at so many games chess, video games, go, and the lists gets bigger every so often.
So give AI the challenge to open and run a site without making it public knowledge that AI is running it and just have as a well advertised site where the public can go for help when dealing with abusive cults. Make the site easily available to member's of these cult having doubts as a place to go for some good advice back by research. That way you are not tricking anybody into getting deprogramed and only helping those that are having doubts.
The AI would only improve with time and more data.
with all this talk about ai taking over jobs and finding cures by feeding it proper input data and a whole host of other tasks why not have scientist put up a site run by artificial intelligence to deprogram people from cults and offer them counseling as what to do after leaving the mind control cult.. i know this might be a very touchy place to put ai i think it would offer scientist working with ai to test its capabilities and do a public service at the same time.. perhaps offer it honestly to the public who are having doubts about a specific organization that is unduly controlling their lives.. and great if that would pass a turing test:.
With all this talk about AI taking over jobs and finding cures by feeding it proper input data and a whole host of other tasks why not have scientist put up a site run by artificial intelligence to deprogram people from cults and offer them counseling as what to do after leaving the mind control cult.
I know this might be a very touchy place to put AI I think it would offer scientist working with AI to test its capabilities and do a public service at the same time.
Perhaps offer it honestly to the public who are having doubts about a specific organization that is unduly controlling their lives.
And great If that would pass a Turing test:
i'm a current bible student of jw's looking to chat with someone about biblical doctrine.
i'm not interested in talking with an apostate or a fader, i'm just a person looking for answers and wondered if there are any neutral voices in this forum who have good insights into the bible.
i currently talk with a couple of jw's on a personal level from my congregation and they are knowledgeable to a certain extent, but i dare not ask them certain questions because, as you know, the congregation has a culture of fear that impacts trust and openness, especially concerning biblical doctrine or the societies teachings.
Again, I don't know if this is the right site, but I'd be open to talking with anyone with an objective and spiritual mind.
Mel, I try to be objective as possible, but like everyone else on the planet subjectivity run strong in my thinking. So my objectivity may not be 100 % but I see where you are coming from(subjectively of course). As far as spiritual I try to keep an open mind but not so open my brains fall out
I'm interested in after life discussion as some of the threads I started recently shows. I'm trying to give some meaning to my life as yet I can't put my finger on it or what is the meaning of life, perhaps that is the biggest question we face. I was a serious Watchtower bible student for about about 30 years 18-48, held on to my belief in the bible for about 4 years after leaving their grip, eventually I had to give up belief in the bible and explore other lines of thought.
Let me just say in conclusion I think it is great that you stumble on this site please look up different stuff on this site about topics you are interested in you might find something of benefit and by all means keep doing research about the WT organization.
i'm a current bible student of jw's looking to chat with someone about biblical doctrine.
i'm not interested in talking with an apostate or a fader, i'm just a person looking for answers and wondered if there are any neutral voices in this forum who have good insights into the bible.
i currently talk with a couple of jw's on a personal level from my congregation and they are knowledgeable to a certain extent, but i dare not ask them certain questions because, as you know, the congregation has a culture of fear that impacts trust and openness, especially concerning biblical doctrine or the societies teachings.
Oh I just thought that since you are interested in the bible here is a site that has a vast collection of ancient holly books related to the bible:
i'm a current bible student of jw's looking to chat with someone about biblical doctrine.
i'm not interested in talking with an apostate or a fader, i'm just a person looking for answers and wondered if there are any neutral voices in this forum who have good insights into the bible.
i currently talk with a couple of jw's on a personal level from my congregation and they are knowledgeable to a certain extent, but i dare not ask them certain questions because, as you know, the congregation has a culture of fear that impacts trust and openness, especially concerning biblical doctrine or the societies teachings.
I'm interested in the bible as an ancient collection of books by two Christian factions the Catholic Church and the Protestant movement with the Catholic version having a few more accepted books.
My beliefs in/about the bible:
I'm interested in it for what it tells us about man's views back thousands of years ago. I think if anybody is sincere about digging deeply into the bible he needs to drop personal biases of preconceived religious indoctrination, for only then can one hope to go deep.
If one goes into a study of the bible with the preconceived notion that every book in the bible is inspired by a supreme being and therefore has only one author and that is God, well I would have to be honest and say : 'you are only making a tiny scratch on the surface and not going deep'. Don't limit yourself to the WT publications in your effort to dig deeply into the bible for then you will only get a very childish/self serving explanation that is used to keep members under their control and begging for more(sorry for the little WT bashing I just had to say it because it's true).
I like Carl Jung's :Answer To Job.
i think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..